

Your Career. Our Passion.

Research Projects Management Technician Post Award Ref MGMT 2024-08



Tarragona | Spain

Job description


Research Projects Management Technician (Post Award) (Ref: MGMT 202408)

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is seeking a Project Manager Technician for the Research projects and Grants Management Unit.

ICIQ is committed to performing excellent research at the frontier of knowledge in the broad area of chemistry (Catalysis Artificial Photosynthesis Activation of Small Molecules Photovoltaics Functional Molecular Assemblies and Chemical Biology from either theoretical or experimental perspectives). The institute also aims at training the future generation of scientists by offering highquality educational programmes to master PhD students and postdoctoral researchers (Full details on ).

Our mission is to lead from the vantage point of molecular science crossstrategies for solving major social and economic challenges such as climate change and sustainable supply of energetic and raw materials thereby contributing to the establishment of a knowledgebased economy and improving citizens quality of life in our influence area.

ICIQ is looking for a Financial Project Management technician to carry out toplevel financial project management services from the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) stage until a projects closure. The successful candidate will be able to offer a range of advice support and financial project management servicer fir regional national and EU funded projects including working in close collaboration with ICIQ researchers scientific managers and research administration ensuring the successful implementation of the projects.



Valued qualities:

We offer:

* Structural position resulting from the ordinary reposition quota for 2024.

All Applications Must Include

A Cover Letter with a statement of interest in English including two contacts for further references Applications without this document will not be considered

A full CV in English including contact details

OTMR principles in the selection processes

ICIQ follows the principles of Open Transparent and Meritbased Recruitment (OTMR) and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers as established by the European Commission.

ICIQ follows in its selection process a gender equality opportunity policy and a nondiscrimination policy on the basis of age ethnic or social origin religion or belief sexual orientation language and disability.

ICIQ is committed to promoting a worklife balance for its employees and as such offers flexible working hours.

Selection Process

ICIQs selection process usually entails the following phases:

For further information you can visit our HR Excellence in Research page at: HR Excellence in Research (iciq.org)


Tcnic/a de Gesti de Projectes dInvestigaci (Ref: MGMT 202408)

LInstitut Catal dInvestigaci Qumica (ICIQ) busca un/a Tcnic/a de Gesti de Projectes dInvestigaci.

LICIQ s una de les principals institucions lders mundials reconegudes internacionalment en el camp de la qumica compromesa amb la resoluci dels grans reptes socials i econmics mitjanant la realitzaci dinvestigacions dalta qualitat en tres rees principals: Catlisi Sostenible Energies Renovables i Salut. Linstitut tamb t com a objectiu formar la futura generaci de cientfics oferint programes educatius dalta qualitat a estudiants de mster doctorat i investigadors postdoctorals (tots els detalls sobre ).

LICIQ busca un tcnic en Gesti de Projectes Financers per dur a terme serveis de gesti de projectes financers de primer nivell des de la fase de preparaci de lacord de subvenci (GAP) fins al tancament dun projecte. El candidat seleccionat podr oferir una srie dassessorament suport i gesti financera de projectes regionals nacionals i finanats per la UE incloent el treball en estreta collaboraci amb investigadors de lICIQ gestors cientfics i administraci de la investigaci per garantir lxit de la implementaci dels projectes.



Qualitats valorades:


* Posici estructural resultant de la quota ordinria de reposici per a lany 2024.

Totes les sollicituds han dincloure:

Una carta de presentaci en angls amb una declaraci dinters en la posici i dos contactes per a ms referncies No es tindran en compte les sollicituds sense aquest document.

Un currculum complet en angls amb dades de contacte del/la candidat/a.

* Posici estructural resultant de la quota ordinria de reposici per a lany 2024.

Principis OTMR en els processos de selecci

LICIQ segueix els principis de contractaci oberta transparent i basada en el mrit (OTMR) i el Codi de conducta per a la contractaci dinvestigadors establerts per la Comissi Europea.

LICIQ segueix en el seu procs de selecci una poltica digualtat doportunitats de gnere i una poltica de no discriminaci per ra dedat origen tnic o social religi o creences orientaci sexual llengua i discapacitat.

LICIQ es compromet a promoure la conciliaci de la vida laboral i familiar dels seus empleats i com a tal ofereix flexibilitat horria.

Procs de selecci

El procs de selecci de lICIQ sol comportar les segents fases:

Per a ms informaci pots visitar la nostra pgina de HR Excellence in Research.

Job tags

PrácticaInterinoTiempo completoEmpleo permanenteTemporalContratoInicio inmediatoTrabajar en la oficinaHorario flexible


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