

Your Career. Our Passion.

Professorship in Experimental Physics with a focus on Hadron Physics

Justus Liebig University Giessen


Gießen | Germany

Job description

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The professorship is established as part of the Heisenberg program of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG). A prerequisite for the establishment of the professorship and for the call is that a funding application submitted by the future position holder (m/f/d) to the DFG is accepted for inclusion in the Heisenberg program. After a positive funding decision, the appointment is initially made on a temporary basis for a period of three years, provided that the requirements under civil law are met. After a positive evaluation, the professorship will subsequently be transformed into a permanent W2 professorship with the same functional .


You should participate with your research projects in ongoing or future international experiments/ collaborations  in the field of experimental hadron physics. Besides your active participation in at least one other international experiment, we expect participation in future experiments at the international accelerator centre "Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)", which is currently under construction, such as the PANDA experiment.

The successful applicant (m/f/d) should have the potential to develop a productive and primarily externally funded research program and to strengthen collaborative research activities in the area of potential "Smallest Particles" at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU).

We expect activities in the hardware- and detector development as well as in the analysis of data with cutting-edge methods that fit into and specifically strengthen the apparatus platform created in the department of physics. We highly welcome interdisciplinary cooperation.

We furthermore expect substantial contributions to the teaching activities of the faculty’s BSc and MSc study programmes in the area of experimental physics. In addition to an excellent qualification for scientific work, a corresponding pedagogical aptitude and a willingness to teach in a gender-sensitive manner are required.

Contributions to the existing graduate schools - Giessen Graduate Center for Natural Sciences and Psychology (GGN) and Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research (HGS-HIRe for FAIR) - are desired.

We furthermore expect active participation in the academic self-administration, in joint activities of the II. Institute of Physics and the faculty as well as in measures for the development of study programmes and the recruitment of students.


A university degree, an outstanding doctorate, and additional academic achievements (for example proven by a positively evaluated junior professorship, by a habilitation, or by relevant peer-reviewed publications) in the field of experimental hadron physics are required.

In addition, the willingness to participate in joint research projects of the faculty - in particular in the area of potential "Smallest Particles" - is required.

You should demonstrate scientific success in the context of major international experiments in hadron physics as well as success in the independent acquisition of external funding.

In addition, you should be experienced in academic teaching as well as in the supervision and promotion of young scientists at a university. Evaluations as proof of your excellent teaching skills are desirable.

Experience in the area of academic self-administration is also desirable.

In case the candidate exceeds the basic age limit of 50 years, a civil servant appointment under § 66 Para. 3 sentences 2 and 3 Hessian Higher Education Act (HessHG) in conjunction with § 11 Hessian Career Regulation (HLVO) requires a specific functional interest.

The JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU also pursues the goal at faculty leadership level of increased competence in dealing with gender and family-related issues. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.

We strongly recommend candidates to refer to our fact sheet on application procedures.

Please send your application with the required documents via online form to the First Vice President of Justus Liebig University Giessen by March 14 th , 2024 , quoting the reference number 7-02/24.

In your application, please refer to myScience.org and reference  JobID 2832779 .

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