Siegen | Germany
Job description
The Theoretical Quantum Optics group at the University of Siegen (Germany) is hiring: we are looking for a motivated postdoc in the field of quantum theory. Possible research topics include (but are not limited to):
• Thermodynamics of open quantum systems and quantum thermal machines
• Quantum metrology with open systems and scattering processes
• Matter-wave interferometry, optomechanics, and decoherence theory
• Foundations of quantum mechanics and tests of fundamental theories
• Hamiltonian learning and tomographic methods in complex quantum systems
• Your own research ideas
Our diverse and international research group is led by five PIs – Otfried Gühne, Matthias Kleinmann, Chau Nguyen, Stefan Nimmrichter, and Ramona Wolf (since Feb 2024) – with long-standing experience in the theory of quantum correlations, quantum foundations, generalized probabilistic theories, quantum communication and key distribution, and open quantum theory. You will work with Stefan Nimmrichter, but exchange and cooperation are highly encouraged, also with our local experimental partners: the experimental nano-optics group led by Mario Agio, the trapped-ion quantum computing group led by Christof Wunderlich, and the quantum computing startup eleQtron.
We expect you to have a significant research record in a relevant field as well as the motivation to engage in teaching and outreach activities. You will play a leading role in organizing a summer school on quantum science for undergraduate students and help us with the design of our new interdisciplinary Master’s program “Quantum Science” at the University of Siegen.
For further information about the group, please see our webpage or contact us directly via email. When applying, please send your CV, publication record, and arrange for a reference letter, if possible. The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2024, but later applications may also be considered. The position could be filled as early as May 2024.
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