

Your Career. Our Passion.

Senior AWS Consultant

The Scale Factory


Bayreuth | Germany

Job description

We're not currently accepting applications for this role, but we're keeping this information availableas it's likely we'll be hiring for the position of Senior AWS Consultant again in future.

Experience Level

Experience Level Senior


Location* Remote

Company location

Company location U.K.

* Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, and the U.K.



To be successful, you’ll have a wide breadth and depth of skill in AWSinfrastructure, and real-world experience to back this up.

You’ll need to have a breadth of supporting technical skills such as knowledgeof security best practices, Linux, configuration management, CI/CD pipelines,containerization, scripting, networking, and infrastructure as code. You don’tneed to be experts in all these areas but will need some proficiency in them.

The role is client-facing, so you’ll have strong communication skills and theability to translate business requirements into appropriate technical solutions.

The role

You’ll work with clients directly to review and improve their infrastructure.You will also provide clients with support and training during business hours.

Engagements generally start with a workshop with the client, where you’llexplore their goals and infrastructure. During the workshop, a backlog of tasksto be completed during the rest of the engagement is established; clientinvolvement varies. We prefer teaching clients to fish rather than fishing forthem.

Engagement length is usually measured in weeks, although we do have long-termclients. Technology choices vary from one project to the next.

We work closely with project managers (who manage client relations). Projectscommonly involve solo consultants or small teams.

Who are we?

The Scale Factory is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner founded in London in2009. We currently have 20 - 30 staff and are looking to grow. We have a reasonably flathierarchy and many opportunities to constantly grow, learn and progress. Our companyvalues are essential to us and are not disingenuous corporate speak. Youshould read about them here .

Every day, we help teams deliver business value on the AWS cloud. We work withcustomers across a number of sectors, including e-commerce, media, healthcare,and fintech. The infrastructures we work with support millions of pounds oftransactions every month.

Working with other Scale Factory colleagues, you’ll help our B2B SaaS customerbuild and operate their cloud solutions, working with their engineers to puttogether a foundation of good DevOps & SRE practise, helping them move faster,maintain uptime, and keep their secrets safe and secure.

Most of our customers are currently based in the UK, where we’re currently hiring in.

In this role you will:

This isn’t the role for you if you’re not interested in investing in communicationskills. If you want to hide away from other people, and focus on cutting Terraformcode or tuning RDS parameters, then our consultancy positions won’t suit you (eventhough we still do plenty of work on the technical side). If you’re friendly,curious, and collaborative, you’ll do well here.

We’re friendly and inclusive, so if you have the skills and the experience,please apply no matter your age, gender, race, sexuality, religion, or physicalability.

More Details

The Work

We work exclusively with AWS. No other cloud platforms, no on-premises or coloinfrastructure. Life’s too short to be expert at everything. Specialising inAWS means that we’ve been able to invest our learning time in developing deepexpertise in that one ecosystem.

We work in a number of different ways. As we get to know you, your skills, andinterests, we’ll find you the types of work you’re best suited to and enthusedby. You’ll get involved in one or more of these activities:

Project Work

We work closely with our customers’ technical teams helping them design, build,and operate their B2B SaaS solutions on AWS.

Most projects start with a collaborative design workshop, where we dive deepinto business goals with the customer, and work backwards from there to anappropriate technical plan. Then we either augment or support the customer’steam to get hands-on and deliver against that plan.

As an example, here are some recent projects we’ve worked on:

Product Work

Some of our project activities are repeatable, and so we build them intostandard consultancy offerings with senior consultants designing, defining, anddocumenting how these are delivered.

Our main product in this area is ourB2B SaaS Foundations offering, whichprovides a multi-account AWS deployment managed centrally with Control Tower,and follows practices recommended by AWS and refined by us through working withhundreds of SaaS businesses.

SaaS Growth

As well as project work like this, we have ongoing support relationships withsome customers - we don’t operate their infrastructure for them, but we’reavailable 24x7 to help their teams with anything that comes up duringoperation. Joining the out of hours support rota is optional and compensated.

As part of this relationship, we also build and deliver training courses on AWSand related topics.


The base salary for this role is £79,250.There are opportunities to earn more by contributing to value-add activities such as project leadership, public speaking and business change initiatives.

Individual technical excellence alone is insufficient to command this role.You’ll also need solid communications skills, business acumen, and the ability to work collaboratively as a multiplier within the organization.If you can lead a project, run a team, or take ownership and accountability for something of importance, you’ll be able to justify a higher salary.

Salary reviews take place twice a year in April and October.Reviews will take into account your progression through our career framework and any new responsibilities you’ve taken on.


To succeed at The Scale Factory you’ll need production experience working withAWS, and with Linux. If you’ve designed and built systems in AWS before, we’dlike to talk to you. Experience running Kubernetes would be a bonus.

You’ll be building relationships with clients and colleagues, so you’ll need todemonstrate empathy with existing and potential customers.

You’ll need to be able to communicate well in spoken and written English.You’ll be communicating face-to-face (or on Zoom), in front of a whiteboard(possibly a digital one), and using the written word.

We operate in a high trust environment, hire smart people, and let them get onwith it. Although you’ll be working in a team with a project manager, you’llneed to be able to manage your own time effectively, making space for personaldevelopment and team activities around the needs of client facing work.

For some of the work we do, you’ll need to hold the AWS Solutions Architect(Professional) certificate. If you don’t have that qualification currently,you’ll need to pass that exam during your probation period. We also stronglysuggest that our consultants hold the AWS Security Specialty certificate.

Not sure if you have all the skills we’re looking for? Pleaseapply anyway, and we’ll help you figure that out.

To be able to work successfully, you’ll need a fast, reliable, low latencyinternet connection (20Mbps at an absolute minimum) that you can use for videomeetings on Zoom.

What's in It for Me?

We have a page describing the benefits ofworking with us but a quick summary:

Hiring Process

Here’s how our hiring process works. At every stage you’ll be speaking withpeople from The Scale Factory. We don’t use external recruiters as part of thisprocess.

Different people from our team are involved at each stage. We find that amultiple stage process is less intensive, and makes it easier for people to fittheir interviewing around their non-work commitments. We’ll give you theopportunity to interview outside of your regular office hours so that you don’tneed to take time out of your existing job to speak with us.

We’ll do our best to move you through this process as quickly as possible.

Stage 1: Application

If you’re interested in working with us, you’ll fill out an application form,and provide a copy of your CV.

We’ll review your work history and your cover letter, to see if it looks likeyou have the sort of experience we’re looking for.

If your CV looks good, you’ll move on to the next stage.

Unfortunately we can’t currently sponsor work visas, so we’ll immediatelydisqualify you if you’re not legally eligible to work in one of our supportedcountries.

Stage 2: Video Call

We’ll invite you to join a 30 minute video call where you’ll have an informalchat with one of our consultants - these folks do the job you’re applying for,so you’ll be able to ask any questions you have about the role. At this stagewe’ll be making sure you’re friendly and personable, and that you have somerelevant experience.

If this chat goes well, we’ll invite you to participate in a technicalassessment.

Stage 3: Technical Assessment

This will take place over 60 minutes on Zoom, and you’ll have access to an AWSaccount. You’ll play the role of a consultant who’s been asked to investigate acustomer’s AWS infrastructure and provide recommendations on architecture andapproach. This is representative of the type of work we do with customers inreal engagements.

If we’re impressed with your technical assessment, we’ll invite you to a moreformal interview.

If you don’t make it past this stage, we’ll offer you constructive feedback onyour performance.

Stage 4: Formal Interview

You’ll join a call for about 90 minutes with a larger group of people from theleadership team.

In this conversation we’ll dig more deeply into your AWS experience, and asksome “tell me about a time when” style questions. We’ll also give you acustomer brief and ask you to sketch a design for an AWS architecture to meetthat brief, testing your architectural skills and your ability to communicateideas in a whiteboard format. Of course you’ll also be able to ask us anyquestions you have at that point too.

If you’re successful, we’ll contact you after the interview with a job offer.

If not, we’ll offer you some detailed feedback on why we didn’t think you’d bea good fit.

New Starter Timeline

Here’s what you can expect in your first 90 days as a Scale Factory Consultant.

Your job offer

After your successful interview, we’ll send you a formal job offer, a contract,our employee handbook, and some other policy docs.

You’ll return your signed contract, to indicate your acceptance of our joboffer.

We’ll check your references, and ask you to show us some official documentsshowing your right to work.

Before you start

At some point ahead of your contracted start date, we’ll get a laptop sent toyou so that you have this available for day one.

Day One

You’ll work with an “onboarding buddy” from the team on getting you set upwith access to Google G-Suite, Zoom, and Slack so that you can meet your newcolleagues on Slack for a warm Scale Factory welcome.

You’ll have access to our documentation to learn how everything works.

From your first day, you’ll have access to holiday and development daybenefits, and our Employee Assistance Program.

Week One

You’ll join your delivery team, and participate in their standups and otherweekly gatherings.

There’ll be at least one social event you can attend to get to know some moreof your colleagues.

You’ll spend an hour with Jon , the CEO, who’lltake you through some of our company history.

You’ll write a “personal README” about yourself sharing information aboutyourself, your preferred working style, and your typical work schedule with therest of the team, and you’ll have access to your colleagues’ README documentsto learn more about them.

You’ll have your first formal 1:1 and establish that relationship with yourmanager.

Month One

Within the first month we’ll try and get you up and running on a clientproject, alongside other colleagues. Depending on your level of experience, wemight bill the customer for your time, or we might not. Customers you work withwill be made aware that you’re a new member of the team.

If you don’t yet have your Solutions Architect Professional AWS certification,you’ll start working towards that, with a view to your having passed the examby the end of your probation period.

At some point, you’ll join a customer AWS Well-Architected review as anobserver, to understand how that process works.

Month Three

The first three months act as a probation period. You’ll get regular feedbackon your performance and progress over that time, and if we’re impressed withyour work we may choose to pass your probation early.

At the end of month three, if you haven’t yet passed probation we may choose toextend it for another three months to give you the opportunity to proveyourself.

Once you’ve passed your probation, the full obligations of your contract comeinto effect (including your notice period of 3 months) and we’ll start the restof your employee benefits at this point.

How to apply

We're not currently accepting new applicants for this role.

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Complete AWS solutions, tailored to the unique needs of your SaaS business.

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