Europa | Germany
Job description
Job description:
The Experimental Particle Physics group (Prof. M. Cristinziani) at the Center for Particle Physics Siegen (CPPS) has an opening for a
Research Assistant (Akademische/r Rätin/Rat A13 a.Z.)
full-time position starting on 1st May 2024 or later.
The group is engaged in data analysis, in the operation of the ATLAS pixel detector and in the upgrade project of the new silicon-based Inner Tracker (ITk) for the High-Luminosity LHC. The analysis activities are focused on top-quark physics, flavour tagging and search for BSM physics.
Candidates should have a qualified PhD in Experimental Particle Physics or a related field and should have demonstrated strong potential for outstanding achievements as independent researchers. Over the coming years, the successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in either top quark physics at the ATLAS experiment or in semiconductor detector development for high-energy physics applications. Engagement in the ITk pixel upgrade activities is encouraged in both cases.
The position, which is based in Siegen, is a Junior Faculty Position (A13) with the possibility of acquiring a “Habilitation”. It belongs to the German science/university career path. Participation in university teaching and supervision of Master and PhD students is thus expected. Salary and benefits follow the German standards for state officials. The duration is fixed for two successive periods of three years (Beamter auf Zeit). Women are especially encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate must have a university degree and a Ph.D. in physics or a relevant field of science. Experience in particle physics research, with either programming skills in C++/Python or experience in detector development, is also required.
Applications, including a CV and a short description of the research experience and interests, should be sent via email (one single PDF file) to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is 28th March 2024.
In addition, the applicants should arrange for at least two letters of reference to be sent to the same address.
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