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Potsdam | Germany

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Jobs: Linguistic Theories, Morphology, Syntax, Typology: Research Associate, University of Potsdam

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz

LINGUIST List 34.1762

Fri Jun 02 2023

Jobs: Linguistic Theories, Morphology, Syntax, Typology: Research Associate, University of Potsdam

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz

Date: 02-Jun-2023
From: Doreen Georgi
Subject: Linguistic Theories, Morphology, Syntax, Typology: Research Associate, University of Potsdam
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University or Organization: University of Potsdam
Department: Linguistics
Job Location: Potsdam, Bradenburg, Germany
Job Title: Research Associate

Specialty Areas: Linguistic Theories; Morphology; Syntax; Typology


The research group Syntax, Morphology & Variability at the Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam (Germany) invites applications for a full-time postdoc position (40h/week). Candidates should work in the area of formal morphology and its interface to syntax with an empirical focus on variation (cross-linguistic variation / lesser studied languages or micro-variation). Additional expertise in fieldwork or experimental linguistics is highly welcome.

Intended starting date: October 2023

The employment is limited to max. 6 years (depending on previous postdoc employments, in accordance with the WissZeitVG law); research and travel funds are available. The salary (including social benefits) is based on the pay scale TV-L E13 for state employees (see ).

Expected Qualifications:
- A PhD in linguistics (degree in hand at the latest when the position starts)
- Expertise in grammar theory (morphosyntax) documented by peer-reviewed publications in international journals
- Research focus on micro- or microvariation
- Teaching experience preferred
- Knowledge of German is not required

- Original research in morphosyntax
- Teaching: 2 courses per semester (= 4 hours/week, in English) in the morphology and syntax modules of the BSc and MSc Linguistics programmes at the Department of Linguistics
- Support of the group leader in administration (e.g., admission of MSc students, organization of workshops and colloquia)
- Supervision of BSc/MSc theses

Applications should be submitted as a single PDF document to the email address below and include the following:
- A CV (with a list of publications, talks, the names and contact details of two referees)
- A 2-3-page research statement about the candidate’s research interests + research plans for the upcoming years
- A 1-page teaching statement (teaching philosophy and topics for advanced seminars)
- A copy of the PhD degree (if not available: a draft/outline of the thesis)
- 2 writing samples

The University of Potsdam hosts leading groups in the field of linguistics and cognitive sciences. Linguistics is part of the University’s research focus on cognitive science ( ) and contributes to the Collaborative Research Centre 1287 on the Limits of Variability in Language ( ). Together with several departments in Berlin, the Berlin/Potsdam area represents a vibrant international research community in the domain of linguistics. The University of Potsdam is an equal-opportunity employer.

Application Deadline: 01-Jul-2023
Mailing Address for Applications:

Email Address for Applications: [email protected]
Contact Information:
Doreen Georgi
Email: [email protected]

Page Updated: 02-Jun-2023

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