

Your Career. Our Passion.

C++ developer (m/f/d) up to €130 000 per year in Berlin or Remote

think-cell Software GmbH


Hamburg | Germany

Job description


We are look­ing for smart, cre­at­ive developers with a solid the­or­et­ical background. Our team of developers consists of those with 15+ years of com­mer­cial experience in vari­ous fields, to fresh gradu­ates in Com­puter Sci­ence, Phys­ics and Math­em­at­ics. A uni­versity degree or work experience with C++, together with a fresh and cre­at­ive prob­lem-solv­ing approach would be an excellent com­bin­a­tion for this role. As all of our recruit­ment steps are task-based, the selection is based on the skills demonstrated during our tests.

You will work largely inde­pend­ently and will be responsible for the whole range of activ­it­ies when implementing a new fea­ture. You should be able to look at a prob­lem from the user's perspective and dis­cuss abstract concepts with fel­low developers. We expect each of our developers to do architecture, design, imple­ment­a­tion, cus­tomer feed­back, and bug fix­ing, rather than split­ting these activ­it­ies between sev­eral people. We thus put everyone in control of their own work.

At think-cell, there are no dead­lines and no sched­uled meet­ings. A fea­ture is ready to be released when you are con­vinced that you have imple­men­ted the best pos­sible solu­tion. Meet­ings take place as needed, with only the people who are actu­ally involved being required to be present. At any time in the pro­cess, ideas, sug­ges­tions, and cri­ti­cism from any­body in the hier­archy is wel­come and is ser­i­ously con­sidered. Your ideas are wel­come, even if they mean that we have to change a lot of code to make things better.

We have published sev­eral sci­entific art­icles in the areas of Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and Com­puter Graph­ics and we will encourage you to do the same. We spon­sor vis­its to con­fer­ences and have close rela­tion­ships with uni­versit­ies and research insti­tutes in the U.S. and Ger­many.

think-cell encour­ages a healthy work-life bal­ance. We do not work at night or on week­ends.

We pay very com­pet­it­ive salar­ies and offer our developers EUR 130,000 annu­ally fol­low­ing one year of employ­ment. If necessary, we will go out of our way to help you relo­cate to Ber­lin and will do what we can to help you acquire a work per­mit. While you should be able to com­mu­nic­ate effectively in English, know­ing Ger­man is not required. Ger­man lan­guage courses can be arranged if desired. Anforderungsprofil & Qualifikationen

What we offer:

Do you believe in beauty when it comes to pro­gram­ming? Do you have a vivid interest in eleg­ant algorithms? Are you flu­ent in C++? If so, we would like to meet you.

Here is what we offer in a nut­shell:

About our soft­ware
Our focus is on busi­ness slides (as opposed to more art­ful applic­a­tions) because they offer great poten­tial for auto­ma­tion of lay­out tasks that are tra­di­tion­ally per­formed by Power­Point users them­selves. Chal­lenges are plenty: from a solid under­stand­ing of what makes a good lay­out and which guidelines are fol­lowed by humans who do manual lay­out, to algorithms that pro­duce an accept­able out­put fast enough for inter­act­ive slide design, to a graph­ical user inter­face that sup­ports our new, ori­ginal approach to slide lay­out in a way that is easy to under­stand yet unob­trus­ive, to solid tech­nical solu­tions for auto­matic bug report­ing and auto­matic updates, to com­pat­ib­il­ity with third-party soft­ware on the com­puters of half a mil­lion users.

Here are some high­lights of what we have done.




Reverse Engin­eer­ing

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€ 130.000

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