Humboldt University of Berlin
Berlin | Germany
Job description
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Abteilung Haushalt und Personal !--
Research fellow (m/f/d) with expected 3/4-part-time employment - E 13 TV-L HU (third-party funding limited for 3 years) Kennziffer DR/034/24 Kategorie(n) Wissenschaftliches Personal Anzahl der Stellen 1 Einsatzort Faculty of Life Sciences - Department of Psychology !-- date -- Bewerbung bis 20.03.24 Text For the project ,,The neurocognition of soical-emotional (mis)information" see oft the research project on our website: Job : scientific services in research in the DFG-Project "The neurocognition of social- emotional (mis)information", in particular preparation and execution of experiments, as well data analyses (incl. EEG, peripheral physiology, and (online) behavioural experiments) assignments for the own scientific qualification (PhD) Requirements: university degree in psychology or related disciplines (e.g., linguistics, neuroscience) experience in experimental data acquisition and analyses of behavioral and electrophysiological (EEG) data very good knowledge of statistics strong interest in the research field experimental neurocognitive psychology, in particular face perception, emotion and meaning processing very good knowledge of English good knowledge of German is an advantage but not mandatory We offer: involvement in the research of the Neurocognitive Psychology Lab, in particular the DFG project "The neurocognition of social-emotional (mis)information" support through student assistants travel funds for conference visits involvement in an active, nationally and internationally well-connected, and very supportive research team access to the vibrant scientific community of Berlin’s many research institutions commitment to the promotion of young academics (we encourage swift graduation and publications) Bewerbung an Please send your application (including cover letter, CV, and relevant certificates and academic degrees), quoting the reference number DR/034/24 , to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rasha Abdel Rahman and Dr. Julia Baum (Sitz: Rudower Chaussee 18), Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin or, preferably, send your application as one pdf-document to rasha.abdel.rahman @hu- and julia.baum @hu- HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration history are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only. Data protection information on the processing of your personal data in the context of the tender and selection procedure can be found on the homepage of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Please visit our website , which gives you access to the legally binding German version. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie dem Link "Intranet" !-- -- Barrierefreiheit Datenschutz ImpressumIn your application, please refer to and reference JobID 2844594 .
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