

Your Career. Our Passion.

Product Management - Quentic



Rüdersdorf, Rüdersdorf bei Berlin | Germany

Job description

Our teams are constantly developing our product in line with customer needs to help companies across Europe to improve their health and safety, environmental management and sustainability. In doing so, we work on creating integrated, cloud-based solutions that can be easily implemented and used.

Head of Product

Who we are

The department consists of two closely linked teams: Product Management and User Experience with a total of just over a dozen international colleagues.

We strongly believe in the benefits of diverse teams and pride ourselves on an optimal mix of extensive EHSQ experience, ESG expertise and product management know-how.

Product Management

Product Management focuses on strategy. Together we develop the product's position in the market, provide impetus for marketing concepts and oversee its life cycles and features. Are you looking for a challenge? Planning, release cycles, trend analyses and the constant further development of our software offer a variety of exciting tasks for you!

User Experience

User Experience focuses on the customer! Therefore, all touch points, interactions and experiences of the user with our product are concentrated in the UX. This not only includesfeedback on the current state or after the last release, but also the expectations before the launch. Usability, user interfaces and needs research accompany the entire product cycle, we work directly on the customer pulse!






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What we do

Following Marty Cagan, the visionary for technology product management, we see our task as developing a product that our customers love, that benefits the environment, and that is successful.

To do this, we address and analyze the four classic risks of digital products to constantly increase the chances of success for Quentic software:

We operate in the B2B environment and especially focus on finding a good balance between the requirements of our corporate customers and the wishes of individual users. Quentic's many years of growth and high customer satisfaction show that we succeed very well in this.

How we work


We want to understand what specific needs and problems our customers have. To do this, we use tools such as customer interviews, data analysis, and customer advisory boards to get to the core of the requirements and validate ideas. Experienced UX researchers support us in this, but the product managers are also in regular exchange with our customers.


After prioritizing the customer requirements during the discovery phase,we work in an agile manner with the software development teams to plan the implementation. We develop detailed user stories and designs. During the implementation we are in constant contact with the development teams.

Launch & Communication

We accompany the implementation of new product ideas through intensive communication with internal and external stakeholders. We only achieve our goal when customers can effectively benefit from new functions.Extensive KPIs enable us to provide an optimal and reliable evaluation.

At Quentic, we really live out the concept of family-friendliness, not just on paper. Especially in times of Corona, this was once again more than confirmed. Also, despite the large and rapid company growth, the company continues to be transparent and open. Everyone can contribute and every opinion counts, whether a manager or student worker.


Head of Product

Quentic is truly interested in the mental and physical well-being of its employees and understands that quality never arises from pressure, but rather from a trusting and appreciative environment. Since I started working at Quentic, I have rarely had an unpleasant feeling of "I have to," but rather mostly a feeling of "I want to" because I more than support our company values. I feel like I'm doing something meaningful.


Do you want to grow together with us in a culture of open feedback? Then send in your application today and become a part of Quentic’s success story! It’s not for nothing that our company culture has been independently verified multiple times as one of the top German ICT companies and in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.

We focus on diversity

Appreciation and mutual respect are two of our most deeply embedded core values. As a signee of the Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charta), we affirm our commitment to a workplace free of prejudice. Because we know: A diverse workforce only leads to one result - the best one!

Our SaaS solution launches with four modules:

- Core
- Legal Compliance
- Risks & Audits
- Environmental Management

The "Hazardous Chemicals" module is launched at the end of 2009.


The "Occupational Safety" module is introduced to our customers and becomes a bestseller.


All good things are 7

"Process Management" is implemented to represent, manage and optimize our customers' operational processes.


With the "Online Instruction" module, employees and external companies can be instructed flexibly.



Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for companies. With the launch of the module, the reporting of indicators can be designed efficiently.


Quentic 11.0

EcoIntense, EcoWebDesk, and NordSafety become Quentic.With the release of our 11.0 version, our platform also becomes mobile. We integrate the app of our new Finnish colleagues.


Safety first

With "Control of Work", our solution now includes 10 specialist modules. Operational processes can be assessed and safely organized.


Acting instead of reacting

To improve EHSQ culture, our 11th specialized module "Incidents & Observations" is successfully launched.


Strong partner

Our partnership with AMCS creates synergies, enables us to become more global and to increasingly offer our software solution worldwide.


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