North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services
Timmins, ON | Canada
Job description
Job Category
Contract, Full-Time
Competition #24-24
Closing dateMarch 11, 2024
Date de clôturedate-de-cloture
Numéro de concoursnumero-de-concours
Eighteen (18) Month Full-time Contract Position in Timmins
As a member of the Child Care team, the successful candidate will be required to provide a broad spectrum of children’s services. The Child Care/Resource Worker (specifically kinship services) provides preventative and protective intervention services to and on behalf of children who are the care of the Agency’s child protection services and approved placements. The successful candidate will also be responsible for assessing and supporting kinship families and the child or youth in that said placementFor more employment opportunities please visit our website at
North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services only accepts resumes that are received by email address above. We thank everyone for their interest in North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
NEOFACS is committed to an inclusive, barrier-free selection process. If contacted regarding this competition, please advise the interview coordinator of accommodation measures you may require during our selection process. Information received relating to accommodation needs of applicants will be addressed confidentially.
Working together for the well-being and safety of children, youth and families.
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