

Your Career. Our Passion.

Youth Pastor

East Gate Alliance Church


Ottawa, ON | Canada

Job description




550 Codds Rd. Ottawa ON. K1K 2G8



Youth Pastor Job Description


I. Primary Area of Responsibility

To foster a Christ-Centred, Spirit-empowered, missions-focused culture within the youth ministry program through mentoring, discipling, and equipping students to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ and to serve with the gifts God has given them.


II. Personal Life

1) Live a life worth emulating through maintaining an abiding walk with Christ and living an upright moral life as described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1

2) Regularly pray and read Scripture

3) Display solidarity with the mission and ministry of East Gate Alliance Church and Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church and its leadership team

4) Adhere to the C&MA's code of ethics

5) Exemplify Biblical giving practices


III. Youth Ministry

 1) Oversee Youth Department including but not limited to:


2) Regularly pray for students, parents and youth leaders/volunteers

3) Recruit godly ministry leaders/volunteers for the above mentioned ministries from both congregations and create ministry teams to lead these ministries

4) Ensure Ministry leaders are equipped, encouraged, prayed for and feel part of the ministry team

5) Ensure youth ministry has a clear vision and a strategy to reach that vision

6) Ensure solid, pertinent, Biblical teaching of spiritual truths is part of youth program

7) In conjunction with the Worship Director, ensure that youth are part of regular Worship Services.

8) Ensure that the church members are encouraged to pray for our youth.

9) Establish and maintain positive mentoring relationships with youth and their families through visitation, phoning, texting, or video communication.

10) Establish relationships with parents to help, support and encourage them spiritually. To partner with them in the spiritual development and discipleship of their children,

11) Give pastoral care to sick, grieving or emotionally distraught youth and/or families

12) Give youth and family counselling when needed.

13) Plan youth ministry budget and ensure its finances are well recorded and within allotted budget.

14) Coordinate youth events/trips (eg. Youth retreats/offsite events in compliance with Plan to Protect policies)

15) Remain informed of current youth trends and developments within broader youth culture (eg. Attending youth pastor/worker conferences with approval from lead pastor, taking courses and/or reading relevant books)

16) Attend youth network meetings and establish networking relationships with other youth pastors in the local and broader region

17) Familiarize yourself of the Ministry Agreement between EGAC & OMAC and adhere to the agreement (Appendix III).


IV. International Ministry

1) Work with the “International Community of Alliance Churches” (Which includes congregations such as Mandarin, English, and Filipino, and small groups such as Spanish, or French) to build a combined youth ministry, actively pursuing the involvement of non-participating youth from the various groups (with the cooperation of the leadership of these groups).

2) Make every effort to ensure that there are youth leaders from any congregation or small group that has youth attending youth ministry programs.


V. Other Areas of Responsibility

1) Public ministry directed by the EGAC Senior Pastor and the OMAC Senior Pastor will include:

2) Participation in staff meetings

3) Accountable to the EGAC Senior Pastor

4) Attendance at Board meetings (upon request by both EGAC and OMAC boards)

5) Evangelism/Learning to Evangelize

6) Leading or being involved with worship team if musically gifted

7) Involved in the life of the Church (eg. being involved in a small group, attending events/birthdays/funerals)

8) Protect vulnerable people through the implementation of the “Plan to Protect” program.

9) Supporting and helping other ministries such as Summer Day Camp or Quizzing

10) Supporting and helping other staff members.



 Mission Statement of East Gate Alliance Church:

Being completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit, Our work is to make fully devoted Christ followers, Out of all sorts of people,

To the glory of the Father.



 Mission Statement of Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church:

To see believers in OMAC become disciples of Christ and devoted in expanding God's Kingdom in home, school, community, workplace and regions beyond.



Ministry Agreement between Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church (OMAC) & East Gate Alliance Church (EGAC)


I. Preamble:

The following is intended to outline the areas of ministry agreement between EGAC and OMAC. This agreement will guide the cooperation between OMAC and EGAC as partners in advancing the vision of the International Community of Alliance Churches (ICAC) while maintaining each individual church’s identity, goals and financial independence. This agreement will be subject to review and revision at least biennially. Any changes would require agreement from both boards.

II. ICAC Vision:

- Worship and prayer in one’s preferred language

- Christian fellowship with all peoples

- Partnering together to reach every segment of Ottawa for Christ.

III. Leadership Networking:

The pastors and ministry staff of all ICAC member churches agree to meet together approximately nine times yearly for fellowship, prayer, planning and organizational discussions. Most joint ministry decisions will be made at these meetings. Joint OMAC/EGAC staff meetings will be held regularly for the purpose of encouraging one another, seeking God, and communication of ministry. Joint board meeting will also be held regularly.

IV. Ministry Areas

A. General:

In keeping with the ICAC vision each congregation is expected to make every reasonable effort to facilitate joint ministry (such as youth and children’s ministry), however participation by congregations in joint ministry programs is voluntary rather than obligatory. Congregations may at their discretion develop companion ministries to enhance the joint ministries, but should be careful to not impede the joint ministries by implementing competing ministries. All ministry needs to conform to the Plan to Protect criteria.

B. Fellowship:

In keeping with the ICAC vision all congregants should be free to attend whichever worship service they prefer regardless of their ethnic or linguistic background. Congregants should never be made to feel like they are leaving one congregation to go to another within the ICAC since we see ourselves as a single family of churches. The sharing of personnel and resources is encouraged to foster a climate of mutual encouragement. Therefore all classes, small groups, and ministry programs are open for any to attend. Congregants will be free to donate to the congregation of their choice as well.

C. Prayer Meetings

 OMAC and EGAC agree to conduct regular (at least quarterly) joint prayer meetings. Other ICAC members are to be invited.

D. Worship

1) Schedule

OMAC and EGAC agree that Sunday worship will begin at 10:30 A.M. and conclude normally around 12:00 noon.

2) Special Joint ICAC Services:

EGAC and OMAC agree to consider joint services, such as Baptismal service, Good Friday service, Easter Sunday service and Christmas Sunday service, New Years etc. During joint worship, offering envelopes shall be provided for members to designate their offering. Undesignated funds will go to the joint building project and maintenance, unless another designation is mutually agreed upon.

E. Adult Ministry

All ICAC congregations will minister to adults in compliance with section IV - A. Inter- church advertising and attendance will be encouraged.

F. Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry will be a self directed ministry through the Youth Ministry Team (YMT). Personnel from both EGAC and OMAC are expected to join this team as youth sponsors so that all those involved in the ministry from both congregations will have a consulting role in giving direction to the ministry under the leadership of the Youth Pastor. For now all Youth ministry programs will be in English. The YMT will provide the core youth program which will include a weekly meeting. Complementary youth ministries (such as quizzing, or Sunday school for youth) may be organized by the YMT or other interested persons/congregations in consultation with the YMT.

All youth ministry leaders will comply with Plan to Protect training and screening procedures. All necessary protocol will be followed to ensure the safety of all youth.

G. Family and Childrens Ministry

The Children’s Ministry will be a self directed ministry through the Children’s Leadership Team (CLT). The CLT will consist of, but not limited to, the leaders of the various children’s ministries. It is expected that these leaders will be from both OMAC and EGAC. Therefore the CLT, under the leadership of the Children & Family Ministries Director, will give oversight to the scope, methods and evaluation of children’s ministry. All children’s ministry leaders will comply with “Plan to Protect” training and screening procedures. All necessary protocol will be followed to ensure the safety of all children.


VI. Miscellaneous Items

A. After Sunday Service:

The fellowship hub will be reserved for joint fellowship until 12:30 p.m. Both churches should plan to provide supplies and maintain a "joint refreshment station". Inclusive events may be held during this time. Exclusive events (one congregation or smaller groups) should be held after 12:30 p.m. or in another area. Occasionally, a congregation may have an exclusive gathering right after the service. In this case, the other congregation must be notified and a reasonable solution to exiting w/o participating in the gathering will need to be arranged.

B. Large Scale /Special Events (language specific and no translation)

Notification must be given to the other congregation for large/special events when the fellowship hub will be used.

C. Joint Ministry Cost Sharing

Costs for the Youth and Children’s departments will be calculated on a “per-capita” basis. In other words, the number of children/youth from each congregation benefiting from said ministry will be used to determine the percentage of the costs for this ministry associated with that congregation. It should be noted that children/youth whose parents do not attend either congregation will not be included in these calculations. Each year a summary of all costs, including salaries, and a summary of the percentage of participants will be made public. These numbers will largely determine the percentage of the total costs each congregation could expect to contribute for the following year. Other factors (such as ability to contribute, how much each is willing to contribute to the outreach factor etc) may also affect the final agreed upon contributions from each congregation. This joint ministry budget, including salaries, is subject to the approval of a joint board meeting and of each congregation.

D. Joint Staffing

Since the children’s and youth ministries are self directed, a high degree of autonomy will be granted to the ministry staff. Giving these ministry professionals enough leeway to develop ministries as their training and experience dictates is vital for the development of their own passion for their ministry. While most of the direction regarding the scope and style of their ministries will come from within their own ministry teams, there may arise situations that require direction beyond the capability of the ministry team. In these (hopefully rare) situations the Senior Pastors of both congregations will consult with one another to seek and agree upon the best way to give such direction.

Future staffing of joint ministry positions will require the approval by both senior pastors first, then both boards.

E. Inter-Church Concerns

Each congregation will have an official liaison appointed to discuss concerns or issues with the other congregation. This just gives both congregations a person to talk to. This is to facilitate more communication between congregations not to limit the communication. Therefore the liaisons should not be considered the only point of contact, but rather an available point of contact.


This Document was edited and approved by a joint board meeting of EGAC & OMAC on June 19th, 2012. Amendments to this document must be approved by both boards. The document was edited by the District Super Intendant in February 2013 removing the requirement to have congregational votes for joint staff positions (approval by Senior Pastors and boards only was deemed sufficient and more in keeping with the Local Church Constitution).

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Full timeSummer workChristmas workLocal areaSunday


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