Prairie Employment Program Inc.
North Battleford, SK | Canada
Job description
In the interests of helping employable persons with disabilities and multiple barriers secure, be supported in, & maintain employment as part of the workforce in the Battlefords & Northwest region, this counsellor will work as a team member in service provision.
The responsibilities include:
Providing an array of supported employment services.
Managing client caseload as assigned & directed by the Executive Director.
Guiding clients along their employment journey.
Assess individual capacity for training and employability of clients by such measures as barriers to employment, disability issues, aptitudes, personal needs, attitudes, work history, and current occupational goals.
Work with the clients to develop individual employability by setting realistic occupational goals & determining steps to achieve them.
Prepare and instruct assigned modules of the job-readiness program one-on-one or in small groups as needed.
Maintain regular contact with employers & seek out potential employers.
The successful applicant will:
- Have computer, software, & reporting skills
- Demonstrate a sensitivity to client issues
- Be equipped with solid communication, planning &
organizational skills
- Possess a valid driver's license, a reliable vehicle,
CPIC with vulnerable sector check
This counsellor job is a term position until March 31, 2026.
Some post-secondary education &/or experience preferred.
Submit a cover letter and resume to
[email protected] This job posting will remain open until management finds a suitable candidate.
The Executive Director will only contact applicants selected for an interview.
We appreciate your interest.
Job tags
$21.45 per hour