Town of Kindersley
Kindersley, SK | Canada
Job description
The Tourism Advisor is a seasonal full-time out-of-scope position and is focused on
managing the local Tourism Centre by developing and promoting local opportunities to
attract visitors and enhance the cultural experiences of residents. In addition to this, the
Advisor will assist local and outside visitors with their travel and service needs.
The Town of Kindersley is a gateway community and the first large centre east of the
Alberta border, and last leaving Saskatchewan. Our municipality is located in West
Central Saskatchewan and has a population of over 5,000.
The Tourism Advisor position is of great value to our organization as they are the
ambassadors who ensure our community is represented in a positive and welcoming
manner for all visitors, and that our locals and visitors alike are encouraged to partake in
the communitys attractions and services leading to an enjoyable summer season.
Job tags
$19.56 per hour