Strathcona Baptist Church
Alberta | Canada
Job description
Strathcona Baptist Church is an historic congregation of approximately 80 people that has worshipped and served in the heart of Old Strathcona in Edmonton for almost 130 years. We are a people of invitation on the journey from brokenness to wholeness in Jesus. We are seeking a pastor to lead, shepherd, preach and teach in a way that aligns with the stated beliefs of Strathcona Baptist Church and the direction that God has given us as a congregation. Together with the team of Elders, the pastor ensures that appropriate action is taken to lead the congregation towards God. The pastor is the primary guardian of church vision, mission, and strategy and builds ministry teams to support the direction God is taking our community.
Personal characteristics
- A person of God in church, work and personal life;
- A person who will demonstrate a high degree of moral character in line with biblical teachings;
- A person of prayer;
- A person filled with the Holy Spirit; and
- A servant-leader.
Key Roles and Areas of Responsibility:
- Visionary Leadership
- With the Elders, discern God’s leading for the future of the church and strategically plan for its realization.
- Ensure the congregation continually engages with the stated vision and strategy in a way that honours God’s leading.
- Shepherding and Spiritual Care
- Shepherding: develop an understanding of the needs of the congregation. Provide leadership, direction, correction, teaching and equipping. Do so through prayer, discernment, and engagement with the congregation.
- Spiritual Care: Be aware of and identify people in spiritual need and provide appropriate guidance or care.
- Teaching and Preaching
- Plan and coordinate Sunday services, holiday services and special events. Oversee the expression of corporate worship and fellowship.
- Coordinate and provide Biblical teaching and preaching and lead the Lord’s Supper, including planning sermon series and topics based on prayerfully determining the needs of the congregation and God’s will to teach the SBC community.
- Developing and Equipping Leaders
- Facilitate, oversee, and participate in opportunities that provide for the discovery and cultivation of spiritual gifts. Coordinate involvement of congregants in service opportunities.
- Oversee small group ministry and children’s ministry, including equipping and supporting leaders.
- Identify, mentor, disciple, and equip the team leaders of key ministries.
Supplementary Roles and Areas of Responsibility:
- Uphold the value of prayer, creating opportunities and equipping people for corporate and individual prayer.
- Lead day-to-day church operations and supervise and support office staff.
- Provide specialized pastoral care of community including planning funerals, weddings, dedications, baptisms, etc.
- Lead community outreach through teaching evangelism, organizing conferences and guest speakers, and working with international mission efforts.
- Fulfill duties as a member of the Elders, Ministries Council, and standing committees.
- Involvement in denominational activities, outside ministries, and community connections.
Role Accountability:
- The Pastor is accountable to the members of Strathcona Baptist Church. In practice, this happens through regular meetings with the members of the Elders.
- Annual reviews, including a review of job description, are conducted by the Elders to ensure the pastor is supported in their role.
- M.Div. or equivalent from a certified theological training school recognized by the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada.
- 5+ years of experience in pastoral ministry.
- Ordained or willing to go through the ordination process with Canadian Baptists of Western Canada.
- Equivalencies will be considered.
This is a full-time position.
Commensurate with training and experience; to be fairly negotiated with guidance from the compensation guidelines of the Canadian Baptists of Western Canada.
A Memorandum of Understanding which specifies salary, allowances and benefits will be negotiated with the successful candidate.
Application Submissions: Applicants are requested to use CBWC’s standard pastoral resume form. We invite candidates to apply with a Ministry Information Profile (MIP – download from the CBWC webpage , and sent to the SBC Search Committee Chair, Dwayne Loewen at [email protected] , with a copy to the pastoral settlement office ( [email protected] ).
Application Deadline: This position will remain open until a suitable candidate is selected.
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