

Your Career. Our Passion.


Cabana Nightclub


Vancouver, BC | Canada

Job description


Position: Doorman/Security
Reports to: Head Doorman, General Manager


It is important to be fit in this position and also:
• Be observant of others
• Be alert
• Resolve conflict
• Listen before acting
• Have knowledge of applicable liquor laws
• Know how and when to use FORCE (no strikes, elbows. knees, or other)
• Be a TEAM player

Your working environment has:
• Noise pollution, ear plugs are recommended.
• Risk of physical harm
• Risk of criminal prosecution for use of excessive force
• Risk of civil right litigation resulting from injuries to patrons
• Many distractions

Successful nightclub security staff are more effective when they think before they act.
Communication is always the KEY. Your job is to keep the peace.

Security staff is most productive and efficient when they are:
• Aware of their surroundings
• Know the mood and atmosphere of the club (can change instantly)
• Work as a TEAM, know where the rest of the security team is. Never enter a situation alone unless there is no other choice
• Communication amongst each other, with staff, management, patrons.
• Location – Positions and posts are covered at all times. At NO time should a post be left unattended without other door staff having knowledge where you are.
• Know the security team hand signals and verbage
• Visible to rest of team.
• Communicate with team before engaging a situation.

• Black shirt at all times
• Black pants, black shoes
• LED Flashlight (can be purchased at London Drugs or similar)
• Doormen do NOT sit
• Please keep your cell phone off until your shift is over.

Customer Conduct Inside the Establishment:
• The safety and security of our patrons and staff is your primary concern.
• Make sure intoxicated individuals leave premises and have safe ride home. Offer water, avoid overly aggressive behaviour, body language, verbal abuse (stay calm)
• Verbal altercations: request individual to calm down initially. If a second incident occurs with this individual they must be removed from the establishment.
• Any customer found purposefully damaging property will be immediately removed and that person’s ID will be revoked in case management would like to pursue reimbursement for damages.
• No Drinks in the front lobby area.
• Spills and/or broken glass – Notify busser
• Objects found on floors should be picked up and put on the closest table (glasses, bottles etc…)
• Watch problematic patrons.
• Drugs, smoking, opposite sex in restrooms – Seize or Confiscate drugs, put cigarettes out, remove opposite sex from restroom. General rule of thumb: Don’t humiliate patron, let the patron know what policy they are breaking, tell them it is not tolerated. If patron is good about it tell them it is their first and last warning. If patron is confrontational they must be removed.

Many verbal arguments can be talked down. Maybe offer a beverage. Ask to speak outside. Use your best judgment to verbally calm a person down. Remember, you are the policing authority in this establishment and you will NOT tolerate aggressive behaviour. It is essential that the next closest doorperson in any situation is backing up the other. Don’t intimidate but make your presence felt, be close enough to react for proper back-up.

Customer and Employee Relations:
• Treat everyone with respect, even when they are intoxicated.
• The customer is why we have jobs
• If a customer is bothering you (trying to make a new friend) switch up your
position with other staff, do a walk around.
• Never exceed the hostility that a customer displays.
• Keep your composure.
• Know where the exits are in case you need to remove someone quickly.
• Communicate with other security, keep informed of what is going on.
• Lost and found items need to be turned into the coat check department. Please direct anyone asking for lost and found to speak with the coat check host.

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Check ID 2 pieces always
• Watch for fake ID **No Minors**
• Remember faces and names, in case siblings pass off their ID
• Confiscate and hold ID if you suspect it is fake, will be turned over to the police. This is important because you could potentially stop a problem at another establishment before it happens. Be proactive!
• Make presence known frequently in restrooms.
• Knowledge of positions inside of room.
• Make sure ALL exiting doors are clear and unlocked for service hours. Latches and bolts are open during operations. ALL FRONT DOORS and ALL REAR ALLEY EXIT DOORS.

Crowd Control:
• Maintain full control OUTSIDE the establishment
• Keep the lineup clear of the entrance doors
• VIP line is on the North side, Regular and general admission is on the South side
• People in the line should be sober, well dressed (theme night attire), and acting like adults.
• We DO NOT have to let anybody inside. The FRONT DOOR staff regulates the flow of traffic as well as who comes in.
• The security staff outside of the Club are there to move people along, maintain crowd control & pick up empties and other debris, be a visible presence outside the club.
• You can always call 911, VPD, Gang Squad, & RCMP if assistance is necessary.

• Regulate lobby traffic, don’t over whelm the hostess & cover/coat check.
• Stanchions outside 10 minutes before doors open.
• Exit at close appropriate signage must be outside.
• Make sure all exit doors and security lights are in working order.
• Staff are allowed up to 5 (no cover) guests per night which is subject to special events, capacity & promoters. Larger guestlist must have management approval. If unsure please call ahead and confirm with manager on duty.

Club Courtesy:
• Must have valid pay-stub or nametag, no-line, no cover subject to capacity, and special events/promotions etc... Use your discretion.
• Company staff, Hospitality staff.
• Local pubs, restaurants, hotels, clubs & lounges…(Any position is good, bellmen, cooks, chambermaids, etc…)
• Be courteous, we are all part of the hospitality industry.


Job tags

Part timeLocal areaImmediate startWork visaGangsShift workNight shift


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