Medical Assistant II - Pediatrics Ambulatory Care
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Job description
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Medical Assistant II - Pediatrics Ambulatory Care
Apply locations Washington University Medical Campus, St Louis Children's Hospital time type Full time posted on Posted 2 Days Ago job requisition id JR80532
Scheduled Hours
Position Summary
Position functions as a Medical Assistant in the department, prepares and maintains exam rooms, collects patient forms and medical records, maintains EMR, directs and assists in patient flow, and ensures the overall smooth running of the clinical office. The Medical Assistant II has experience and is able to anticipate and meet the needs of patients, providers, and team members.
Job Description
Primary Duties & Responsibilities
P at i e n t C a r e Duti e s
- I nt e ra c ts dir ec t l y wi t h p a t i e nts in the c l in i ca l of f ice a nd c omp l e tes c l i nic a l tasks whi c h m a y include obtaini n g vi t a l si g ns, c omp l e t ion of E K Gs, phleboto m y , a nd pe r f orm a n c e of C L I A w a ived tests, for e x a mp l e , H g bA1C testin g , p re g n a n c y tests, e tc. D o c uments a ppro p ri a te l y a nd a c c ur a t e l y in EM R .
- P r e p a r e s f o r of f ice h ours b y e nsuri n g e a c h e x a m room is c le a n a nd a d e qu a tely stock e d.
- Assis t s with e x a m i n a t i o n s, pro ce du r e s , a nd lab t e s t s .
- M a y a dm i nis t e r medi c a t i ons und e r the ord e r of ph y sici a n or nur s e pr a c t i t i on e r (this includ e s v acc i n e s a nd I M a nd sub c utan e ous inj e c t i ons ) .
C o m m un ica t ion a n d D o c u me n ta t ion
- Dir e c ts pati e nt flow a nd do c uments acc u r a te l y in EMR.
- Com m unic a tes w i t h pr o vide r s a nd c a re t e a ms.
- Routes phone mess a g e s, p a t i e nt qu e st i ons, a nd tel e phone c om m unic a t i ons to a ppro p ri a te p e rsonn e l.
- Assis t s with ca re c oordi n a t i on b y doing tasks out l ined und e r the d e p a rtm e nt g uidelines su c h a s c omp l e t i n g st a nd a rd w o rk, s c h e dul i ng di a g nostic pr o ce du r e s , mon i toring p a t i e nt w a i t ing t i me in r o om wi t h follo w - up with p a t i e nt if g rea t e r th a n 30 m i nutes.
- Comp l e tes n ece ssa r y p a p e r w ork a nd do c u ment a t i o n in a ti m e l y mann e r.
- Distribut e s a nd c ol l ec ts p a t i e nt pap e r w o rk a nd m e dic a l r ec o rds f or p rovid e r s.
- Ans we rs b a sic q u e st i ons f r om p a t i e nt / f a m i l y r e g a rdi n g tr e a t m e nts, dia g nosis a nd pro c e du r e s.
- Do c uments poin t - o f - ca r e testing r e sul t s a nd medi c a t i on a dm i nis t r a t i on p e r d e p a rtm e nt g uidelines.
- O r d e rs a nd do c uments i n flu e n z a v acc i n a t i on p e r d e p a rtm e nt g uidelines.
E qu i p m e n t and Sup p l i e s
- Monitors supp l y invent o r y , e ns u ring a d e qu a te s u ppl i e s, e quip m e nt, or g a rm e nts a re a v a i l a ble a nd that th e y c o mp l y with r e g ulation s .
- Cle a ns a nd stocks e x a m room s , provi d e r a re a s , a nd other c l i nic a l sp a c e . S te r i l i z e s e quip m e n t , a s r e qui r e d.
- P e r f orms qu a l i t y c ontrols for a ll poin t - of -c a re t e st i ng in c omp l ian c e w i th CL I A, W USM, and E H & S r e c o m m e nd a t i ons a nd g uidel i n e s.
- Monitors a nd r e c ords t e mpe ra tur e s f o r a ll r e f r i g e r a tors a nd f r e e z e rs loc a t e d in clin i ca l a r e a s in c omp l ian c e with V F C a nd d e p a rtm e ntal guidelines.
Oth e r F un c tions
- M a in t a ins r e qui r e d H I P AA c omp l ian c e , ski l ls /c ompet e n c ies a nd p a rti c ipat e s in i n - s e rvi ce s, s t a f f p r o g r a ms, c ont i nuing e du c a t i on, a n d c ross tr a in i ng pr o gr a ms acc ordi n g to est a bl i shed st a nd a rds a nd W a shin g ton Unive r si t y pol i c ies.
- M a in t a ins cu r r e nt M e d i c a l Ass i stant L i c e nsur e / Ce rtifi ca t i on/ R e g is t r a t i on.
- Comp l ies w i t h OSHA, s t a t e , a nd f e d e r a l r e g ulato r y sou r ce s/ s tand a rd s .
- P a rti c ipat e s in qu a l i t y i m prov e ment ac t i vi t ies to e nsure a ppro p r i a t e c l i nic a l outcom e s .
- Us e s t i me e f f ic i e nt l y to p r e p a r e for c l i nic a nd e ns u re e f fi c ient p a t i e nt / provi d e r f low.
- S e rv e s a s p r ece pt o r f or n e w st a f f .
Preferred Qualifications
- Graduate of an accredited Medical Assistant program.
- Two years or more of Medical Assistant experience.
- Electronic medical record experience.
- Interactive communication skills with ability to work with physicians, patients, families, significant others, and support staff.
- Strong interpersonal, organizational, and telephone skills, working knowledge of anatomy and physiology, fundamentals of medical terminology, and experience/knowledge working with electronic medical records.
Required Qualifications
- High school diploma or equivalent high school certification.
- Registered or Certified Medical Assistant with six months of related work experience (examples of related fields include military medic, emergency medical technicians, Nurse’s Aide, physical therapy and nurse technicians, and certified athletic trainers). Medical Assistant credentials must be obtained from in-person proctored exams from the following certifying bodies: NHA, AAMA or AMT. In-person proctored credentials from other certifying bodies may be accepted upon approval from Human Resources. Substitutions include:
- Graduate of an accredited nursing program (such as RN/LPN), or comparable allied health training program with a minimum of one year of relevant experience.
- Ability to show proof of a Medical Assistant certification/registration with successful completion of certification exam ( online proctored exams are not sufficient to meet the credential requirement ) within six months of hire date (or within a shorter time frame if noted by hiring manager).
- Basic Life Support certification (Online Basic Life Support certifications, those without a skills assessment component, are not sufficient to meet the Basic Life Support requirements).
Salary Range
$17.00 - $24.66 / HourlyThe salary range reflects base salaries paid for positions in a given job grade across the University. Individual rates within the range will be determined by factors including one's qualifications and performance, equity with others in the department, market rates for positions within the same grade and department budget.
For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ .
If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email [email protected] or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.
Pre-Employment Screening
All external candidates receiving an offer for employment will be required to submit to pre-employment screening for this position. The screenings will include criminal background check and, as applicable for the position, other background checks, drug screen, an employment and education or licensure/certification verification, physical examination, certain vaccinations and/or governmental registry checks. All offers are contingent upon successful completion of required screening.
Benefits Statement
Up to 22 days of vacation, 10 recognized holidays, and sick time.
Competitive health insurance packages with priority appointments and lower copays/coinsurance.
Want to Live Near Your Work and/or improve your commute? Take advantage of our free Metro transit U-Pass for eligible employees. We also offer a forgivable home loan of up to $12,500 for closing costs and a down payment for homes in eligible neighborhoods.
WashU provides eligible employees with a defined contribution (403(b)) Retirement Savings Plan, which combines employee contributions and university contributions starting at 7%.
Wellness challenges, annual health screenings, mental health resources, mindfulness programs and courses, employee assistance program (EAP), financial resources, access to dietitians, and more!
We offer 4 weeks of caregiver leave to bond with your new child. Family care resources are also available for your continued childcare needs. Need adult care? We’ve got you covered.
WashU covers the cost of tuition for you and your family, including dependent undergraduate-level college tuition up to 100% at WashU and 40% elsewhere after seven years with us.
For policies, detailed benefits, and eligibility, please visit:
EEO/AA Statement
Washington University in St. Louis is committed to the principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and especially encourages applications by those from underrepresented groups. It is the University’s policy to provide equal opportunity and access to persons in all job titles without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, protected veteran status, or genetic information.
Diversity Statement
Washington University is dedicated to building a diverse community of individuals who are committed to contributing to an inclusive environment – fostering respect for all and welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Individuals with a commitment to these values are encouraged to apply.
Candidate Question Spotlight
Should I consider applying to older job postings?
Yes. Due to the unique needs of each search, the selection process may occur at different paces for open positions. Individuals are encouraged to apply to all open positions of interest for which they meet the Required Qualifications.
About Us
Washington University's collective success is greatly attributed to the passion and outstanding efforts of our community. Our faculty and staff are committed to excellence and dedicated to carrying out our missions of research, teaching and patient care.
WashU prides itself on being a place where people matter and serious work is done. Our people work together in an inclusive community that celebrates diverse perspectives, collaboration and innovation. We are a community of individuals inspired to work together to develop big ideas and tackle challenging problems.
We value the well-being of our people. Washington University strives to create a positive employee experience where faculty and staff thrive, both personally and professionally. Our faculty and staff find meaning, connection and vitality in their work and life with a healthy work-life balance and support to learn, grow and make an impact at WashU, the community and the world
If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email [email protected] or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.
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