Job Opportunities
São Paulo, SP | Brazil
Job description
Se não encontrou a vaga que estava buscando, cadastre seu CV em nosso Banco de Talentos. Assim que surgirem vagas que tenham compatibilidade com seu perfil e suas competências, poderemos direcioná-lo(a).
Mais que ocupar um cargo, acreditamos que cada colaborador(a) é único(a) e contribui de forma efetiva para o sucesso da empresa.
Na próxima tela vamos solicitar que selecione suas stacks de experiência.
Vagas presenciais e remotas.
Contrato CLT ou PJ.
Oportunidades nacionais e internacionais.
Gobetti Recruitment Group was born in 2011 with the desire to connect candidates with companies that are looking for new talent. Specialist in Recruitment and Selection Consulting, Gobetti operates in different segments, being a reference in hunting for senior management and in the area of Information Technology.
Some sectors require professionals with very specific knowledge, which is why we act directly in the selection of personnel through appropriate recruitment tools and evaluation systems that guarantee the choice of the right candidates for the functions demanded by our clients.
Our team has a trained eye, going beyond technical knowledge when selecting candidates. We believe that high performance is the result of skillful energy management, resulting from the union of technical, emotional and mental factors. For this reason, we always take into account the company's culture and the profile of its leaders.
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