Home office | Brazil
Job description
Job Challenge
Hold meetings with foreign clients in English language, to monitor indicators and technical analysis of the accounting area.
Daily Responsibilities:
Organize and sort bank statements, payment vouchers, and managerial reports received from clients.
Manage invoices for services rendered and received, as well as for income and expenses.
Perform and verify accounting and tax classifications and entries.
Print and save balance sheets, accounting books, financial statements, and fixed asset reports.
Generate billing lists, tax books, tax guides, receipts, and declarations.
Complete IBGE surveys (PAC, PAS, PAI, PMS) to provide data information.
Fill out bank registration update forms.
Visit institutions to handle internal client demands.
Make adjustments to tax and declaration files and spreadsheets.
File and return accounting documents to clients.
Respond to technical inquiries from external clients.
Conduct and monitor account reconciliations.
Conduct technical visits to clients to oversee deliveries.
Visit institutions to handle internal demands.
Issue DAM and DARFs (tax payment documents).
Provide support in implementing accounting systems.
Submit tax declarations: DCTF, EFD, ECD, DIRF.
Stay updated on accounting norms and procedures.
Calculate taxes for companies under Simples Nacional and Lucro Presumido tax regimes.
Generate managerial reports to support coordination in decision-making.
Hard skills:
Bachelor s degree in Accounting;
Advanced or fluent English;
Experience in an accounting firm.
You will stand out if you have:
Active CRC (Certified Public Accountant) license;
Advanced Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
Soft skills:
Strong client relationship skills;
What benefits you will have:
#WeArePeople and that s why we support and value our collaborators! Check out some of the benefits we offer to our #BernsLovers:
Health plan;
Dental plan;
Superflex Ticket (Food and Meal);
Annual variable bonus;
Bonus for English proficiency;
Life insurance;
Home Office assistance;
Ticket Car or Transportation Voucher (when coming to the office);
Birthday Day Off;
Physical health incentive program: Gympass;
Emotional health incentive program: Moodar;
Collaborative Market (when coming to the office);
Opportunities Trail Program.
Remote work
Uma consultoria feita de GENTE, pioneira na gestão de risco com terceiros e apaixonada por #FazerAcontecer!
Nascemos da vontade de fazer diferente, com ousadia e foco em resultados. Mas, não escrevemos essa história sozinhos. Nós crescemos junto com as pessoas, afinal, #SomosGente.
Durante nossa história de mais de 25 anos, somamos + 500 #BernLovers espalhados por vários lugares, que usam a tecnologia a seu favor para inovar, sem medo de errar!
Aqui, a gente vibra com o sucesso do cliente e por isso, nosso propósito é apoiar e impactar positivamente os resultados dos nossos clientes e seus fornecedores. Buscando potencializar os resultados com segurança e nos desafiando a #IrAlém!
Atuamos com empresas de diferentes portes e segmentos como: comércio, entidades governamentais, instituições financeiras, petróleo, energia e vários outros. E com todas elas temos o hábito de #FazerAcontecer.
E o mais legal, é que pertencemos a um mesmo time, #SomosTodosBernhoeft.
Então, vem com a gente! #VemSerBern!
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