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Experience Design Manager



São Paulo, SP | Brazil

Job description


Position at Ashoka

About Ashoka  

Ashokainvests in peoplewhoseetheworldnot as itis, but as itcouldbe;whoseektochange a brokensysteminsteadoflettingit continue. Wecallthem social entrepreneurs, and overthepast 35 years, wehavesupported more than 3,800 Ashoka Fellows as leading social entrepreneurs in 70 countries. Ourworkisbasedon a fundamental insight: Behindevery social innovation, there are human beings. Supportingthebestofthem, and connectingthemwith a networkofpeers, isthemosteffectivewaytobringabout social change.  Ourvisionis a worldwhereeveryoneis a changemaker – a worldwhereeveryone has theskill and confidenceto drive social change and iscommittedtothegoodofall.

Diversityis a corevalue at Ashoka and in the [team]. We are passionateaboutbuilding and sustainingan inclusive and equitableworking and learningenvironmentforall Ashoka staff. Webelieveeverymemberofourteamenrichesourdiversitybyexposingusto a broadrangeofwaystounderstand and engagewiththeworld, identifychallenges, and todiscover, design, and deliversolutions.

About Ashoka Changemakers

Ashoka Changemakersisbuilding a global movementwhereanyone, anywhere, can takeactiontosolve a social problem inintheircommunity. Weworktobuildthismovementbysupporting social entrepreneurs, innovators, businessleaders, policymakers, and activistswho are changemaking, bydeliveringground-breakinganalysis, byacceleratingintrepreneurship, and creatingstrongpartnershipsthatwill drive themovement forward.

OurTheoryof Change 

Muchlikewhatwedidwiththefieldof social entrepreneurship, we are seekingto drive a mindset shift in societybyhelpingpeopleseedifferently. To do this, we are takingcollectiveactionwithpowerfulplayers in education, government, and media who are equallydedicatedtoourEveryone a Changemakervision. Wecannotreacheverychildourselves, butbyactivating a carefullyselectedcross-cuttingnetworkofcollaborators, we can set in motionan irreversible shift towards a future whereeveryoneunderstandsthatempathy and changemaking are essentialto a child’ssuccess in growing up.  

Role Summary.

TheExperienceDesign Manager at Changemakersplays a critical role in leadingthestrategy and executionof superior userexperiencesacrossourplatform and connectedservices.

Role Description

This position involvesoverseeingthe UX designprocess, fromresearch and insightstothedeliveryofwireframes, designs, and comprehensive user guides. Additionally, this role encompassesprovidingtechnicalsupportforourplatform, particularlyduringchallengeswhentheteam'scapacityisstretched. The ideal candidate willhave a deepunderstandingof UX designprinciples, extensive experiencewithtoolssuch as Figma, strongleadershipqualities, excellentcommunicationskills, and theabilitytoprovidetechnicalsupport and problem-solving. 









Diversityis a corevalue at Ashoka and in the [team]. We are passionateaboutbuilding and sustainingan inclusive and equitableworking and learningenvironmentforall Ashoka staff. Webelieveeverymemberofourteamenrichesourdiversitybyexposingusto a broadrangeofwaystounderstand and engagewiththeworld, identifychallenges, and todiscover, design, and deliversolutions.



As partofour Ashoka global teamofteams, youwillinteractwiththe executive leadershipteam and entrepreneurial staff fromaroundtheworldwho are workingon a varietyofdifferentissueareas. Youwillworkcloselywithpartnership managers and an extended challengeteamtobringourchangemakereventstolife. Youwillalsohavemeaningfulinteractionswith global Ashoka colleaguesfromallovertheworld.


  1. A screening callwiththehiringmanager. 

  1. Team Interview withothermembersoftheteamyouwould be workingcloselywith. 

  1. An Ashoka CriteriaFit Interview totalkaboutyourentrepreneurial and changemakingexperiences, leadershipexperiences, new ideas, fitforAshoka’s culture, and more with a memberof a differentteam. 

  1. Thestepsabove are for short-term, contractworkers (12 monthsorless). Tolearn more aboutthe full-time employeehiringprocess at Ashoka, pleasevisitthis page: Ashoka's Hiring Criteria and Process | Ashoka | Everyone a Changemaker

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